Jaydeep Chakraborty

Data Scientist | Machine Learning Enthusiast

Career Summary

I am currently working as Data Scientist at Walmart Lab. Prior to joining Walmart, I attended Arizona State University and completed my doctoral study. My research interest is in Semantic web technologies and Machine Learning. I always love to explore data integration, data ingestion, data mapping with learning-based techniques. I enjoy working on projects where I can explore machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) approaches on textual data.

Career Experience

Walmart Global Tech | Data Scientist

Jun 2021 - Present
  • Exploring and employing various deep learning methods in various NLP projects.

Arizona State University | Graduate Teaching Assistant

Aug 2015 - May 2021
  • Designing and grading SemanticWeb (SER- 594), Software Enterprise I (SER- 215), Software Enterprise II(SER-216), Prog Paradigms(SER-502), Core Data Strs w/OOP(CST 200), Principle of Programming Languages(CSE 110), Software Factory I (SER 517), Principle of Programming Language (CSE 110), Database Management (SER 322) courses.

Google Summer of Code Participant 2019 | GSOC (Internship)

May, 2019 - August, 2019
  • The requirement of the summer project is to create a workflow for entity linking between DBpedia and external data sets. We have used a recursive neural network to detect similar concepts/classes between the source and target ontology.

AT&T Labs, Inc. | Student Intern Technical ll (Internship)

Jun 2018 - Aug 2018
  • My summer project was aimed at assessing whether a predictive model can be designed in a way that allows it to anticipate impending degradation in call performance index from the raw huge amount of telecommunication data over a period of time.

Cognizant | Technical Product Specialist

Jul 2010 - May 2015
  • I was part of numerous web application development. I have worked with java frameworks like J2EE (Advanced Java, JSP, Servlet), Struts, JSF, Spring, Angular JS, Drools, Hibernate, Jquery. Apart from this, I am also familiar with database tools like Oracle 9i, DB2, SQL SERVER 2005 and Version Control Systems like MS Visual Source Safe (VSS), Concurrent Versions System (CVS), eGit.


PhD in Computer Science

August, 2015- May, 2021
  • Fulton School of Engineering,Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
  • GPA-3.63 / 4.0

Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology

August, 2006 - May, 2010
  • B.P.P.I.M.T, West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata
  • GPA – 8.29 /10.0